Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oil painting and other things

It has been a long time since I have done any oil painting. I was disconcerted by the slowness of paint drying at first but now I find that it suits the meditation I need to resolve a painting. The ability to make continued adjustments is fantastic and I am able to develop initial ideas further. So 'Future' has been set aside for the moment to allow the paint to dry before I tackel the knife. I have started the drawing on canvas of 'Constraint'. I hope to blog this tonight ...

"Eynsham Gods" have reached the mile-stone of a 1,000 page loads. I am encouraged that people are interested in my work and some are regular returners. I find it difficult to work in isolation so it would be very nice if you left your thoughts, questions, criticism and as always praise. You can do this by clicking on the pencil icon at the bottom of each post.



Blogger MortimerBones said...

OK. That sounds like a good plan! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the progress of your work, I find it totally facinating! I will comment and enjoy!

10:20 am  
Blogger vivien said...

I've just discovered your blog and certainly relate to the not liking to work in isolation - I've added it to my bloglines list to check in on :)

I too like feedback/crit/comment

12:22 pm  

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